Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Template for Keel packing blocks.

Whilst I have been busy "plugging" away at the holes - which is well over half way complete now - I have also been busy with the Keel Packer block. This is being cut and shaped at the moment, after having cut and set up a template from which to transfer the profile (shown in the photographs above). Once this is complete the same will be done for the Skeg and Rudder packer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mini Tididi

While the hole filling is continuing, and during periods where the weather is too bad to work on the boat, I have been constructing a scale model of TIDIDI. This is mainly to assist in the planning of the hull turning, in order to see which is going to be the best way of doing this with minimum effort and manpower, and without too much modification of the boat shed. The most likely method is going to be one suggested by Roy McBride, which he used successfully on his own boat, whereby a pinion is fitted to both the transom and the stem, which then rest in "A" frames, allowing the hull to turn much like a "Spit". The model will assist in getting the best position for these pinions so that the hull is balanced throughout the turning process. It will also allow me to see where the ground needs to be excavated to allow for the widest section of the hull.