Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stateroom Aft Bulkhead

The aft Stateroom Bulkhead has been cut and dry fitted. This will only be permanently fixed in place once the floors have been done and the deck carlines installed.
The next task will be to install the deck carlines and then the side decks. This will then allow the removal of the pine spreaders which are now getting in the way.
The most recent photographs on the blog have been taken with my new Canon EOS 500D camera, which Jay gave to me in return for re-tiling her bathrooms and installing a new bath. It is really nice to have a "real" camera again, although at the moment I am still using it on full auto until I go on the free course in August.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,

    I have teak door frame jambs here, plus the corners if required?

